Become a BRI Qualified Advisor
More Than Money Ministries has set the standard for BRI professional. To be BRI Qualified an investment professional must meet the following standards.
- Be licensed and in good standing with the national and state governing bodies.
- Show competence and acceptance of Biblically Responsible Investment concepts. The designation program from the NACFC is one of the ways an investment professional can demonstrate such competency.
- Have proof of resources necessary to perform BRI analysis. This would include access to screening services that meet strict BRI guidelines and access to products and services that comply with BRI criteria.
- A profession of faith in Jesus Christ as their savior and the Bible as the written word of God.
- Is a participant and is in good standing with their local church.
A processing fee of $35 will be invoiced to you. Once accepted you will be contacted via email. This email will include:
- A link to setup your More Than Money Professional login. Once established this will allow you to setup your BRIQ Bio and search page with instructions on how to upload your photo and logo. It will also give you access to the More Than Money Blog site and article submission site for More Than Moneys newsletters.
- A digital file with the More Than Money BRIQ Seal with permissions of use for your websites, email, stationary, cards and other physical and digital and social media.
- A certificate to be displayed in your office
You will receive a notice to log on to your account at More Than Money and update your profile 30 days prior to the annual reverification period and invoiced for your annual reverification processing fee.
Thank you for your desire to honor God through your dedication to helping His children invest with Biblical integrity.
Please complete the following application.

Phone:(314) 212-1405
12647 Olive Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63141